When Do You Need a Dental Crown?

When Do You Need a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are fixed dental appliances used for covering damaged teeth or implants. Here at Elliff Dental in Batavia, IL, your dentists, Dr. Laura Elliff and Dr. Andrew Elliff, use these tooth-shaped covers or caps restoring a damaged or weakened toot’s function and strength as well as your smile’s appearance.

The dental crown placement entails taking an impression of the tooth to be treated after it has been reduced in size to ensure an accurate fit. When the crown is ready, it will be attached to your tooth using dental cement.

Why Your Dentist Might Suggest a Dental Crown

Generally speaking, dentists recommend crowns for repairing or treating these issues:

  • Chipped or fractured teeth that can’t be fixed with less complex dental treatments.
  • Discolored or oddly-shaped teeth that could work or look better with help from a crown.
  • To protect and cover an implant.
  • Lost teeth that will be restored by a dental bridge. Crowns will be needed for supporting the bridge in place.
  • Dental caries also called cavities or tooth decay, which develop when bacteria found in your mouth, make acid that harms your teeth. In teeth with minor or moderate dental caries, fillings usually suffice to repair the damaged teeth. However, deep or severe decay might need a crown to save the teeth’s appearance and functionality.

In some instances, however, a tooth that’s severely decayed will require root canal therapy to save it prior to the placement of the crown. The tooth pulp houses very delicate blood vessels, tissues, and nerves, so if the infection or decay has reached these structures, only a root canal treatment can salvage the infected tooth.

During root canal therapy, your dentist in Batavia, IL, drilling a tiny access hole into your tooth to extract the decayed pulp. The infected root canal will then be thoroughly cleaned and filled with gutta-percha to safeguard it from further decay. The tooth is then covered with a temporary dental crown until your permanent crown is ready for placement.

Caring for Your Dental Crown

Crowns generally last from five up to 15 years, considering that you follow proper oral hygiene practices since a crowned tooth could still be affected by decay. You should likewise continue seeing your dentist for exams and cleanings to help make certain that your dental crown still functions and fits perfectly.

Interested in Dental Crowns? Talk to Us

Book an evaluation here at Elliff Dental in Batavia, IL, with your dentist, Dr. Laura Elliff or Dr. Andrew Elliff, by calling (630) 482-7200.